Save your used postage stamps to raise money for RSWR's work and mission.
Mail stamps to:
Stamps for Right Sharing
c/o Indianapolis First Friends
3030 Kessler Blvd. East Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46220
If you have questions about the stamp program, please contact RSWR at 937.966.0314 or
When you send the stamps:
Be sure to include your email address or phone number. This allows us to contact you if we have questions, without incurring the expense of postage. It also allows us to acknowledge that we received your package and provide a receipt.
History of the Stamp Program
Since 1996, the Quaker Missions Stamp Project has collected and sold used postage stamps and used the proceeds to fund Quaker organizations like RSWR. Brad Hathaway founded the project and was its steward until 2009, when Earl Walker took over the stamp ministry. From 2009-2017, Earl raised over $11,000 for Right Sharing through the Quaker Missions Stamp Project. In 2017, Indianapolis First Friends Meeting became the new home for the stamp ministry. Amy Perry and Brad Jackson are the current co-coordinators.
Send in Your Stamps!
The stamp program accepts stamps of all issue dates and countries, both used and unused stamps, sheets of stamps, albums, boxed collections of stamps, envelopes, and postcards.
Be sure to include your email address or phone number - this also allows us to acknowledge receipt of packages for those who request to be notified that we have received their package. Additionally we can contact you if we have questions, without incurring the expense of postage.
Please note we are only able to process and sell stamps and not other collectibles (for example, greeting cards). In order for the stamps to be salable, please follow these guidelines:
Foreign stamps (excluding Canada):
If the stamp is still on the postcard or envelope, leave it on. There are collectors who like to receive a whole envelope or postcard with a foreign stamp. This is because of the markings and/or artwork that often are also present. Stamps already removed from the envelope or postcard are also welcome.
USA and Canada stamps:
If there is something special about the envelope, such as the words “First Day of Issue,” or some artwork, or special words added by the Post Office, then send us the entire envelope. There are collectors who like to receive a whole envelope or postcard with these special markings. Examples below:
If there is no special marking, cut the stamp(s) off the envelope or postcard. Leave the perforations (wavy edges) on the stamps. Leave 1/4 inch to 1/8 inch around the stamp so the whole stamp is preserved, including the perforations. The perforations are part of the stamp. When there is more than one stamp and the stamps are close together, cut around the group as a unit.
If you have stamps already off the envelope that are grouped in some way (as might happen when sending in someone’s stamp collection), leave them already grouped. This helps us in sorting.
Peelable stamps:
Please leave these on the envelope paper. If you try to peel them off of the paper, they stick to other stamps, and damage both.
Nonprofit and presorted mail stamps:
All stamps are acceptable, but we want to be financially effective. If you already have a group of stamps that includes a lot of nonprofit and/or presorted mail stamps, just leave them and send them to us. However, as you are assembling new shipments, we recommend you leave out the nonprofit ones and the presorted mail ones, so you are not paying postage for something of little value. The nonprofit stamps will have the words “NONPROFIT ORG” and the presorted mail stamps will have the word “PRESORTED” on them.