Resources on how to bring your community together and raise awareness about Right Sharing's work.
International Women's Day
“There is nothing of greater importance to the well-being of society at large — of man as well as woman—than the true and proper position of woman.” - Lucretia Mott
In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, RSWR offers this community discussion guide, in two one-hour sessions.
Simple Meal
The Simple Meal gathers a community together to share an intentional meal. The Simple Meal (a nutritious but uncomplicated dish) is served in small portions to raise awareness of hunger throughout the world, and to offer an opportunity for mindfulness and consideration of how much we need to be nourished. The Meal can be hosted as a donations-based fundraiser, or combined with other Right Sharing games and activities.
For more behind the simple meal including planning, recipes, and suggested activities, download here.
Simplify Life Garage Sale
It is very easy in our busy and consumerist culture to acquire more possessions than are necessary or useful. A household, neighborhood, or Meeting can benefit from less clutter and also raise funds for RSWR by hosting a garage sale and donating the proceeds to Right Sharing.
Download instructions for running your garage sale here.
"Power of Enough" Workshop
Right Sharing offers a multi-day workshop on "The Power of Enough" for those who are wishing to go deeper in their exploration of the concepts of abundance, right sharing, and balance. Through queries, storytelling, games, and singing participants are able to experience new perspectives. Attendees leave with a deeper sense of self and connection to how personal choices ripple forward to others.
To contact Right Sharing about having this workshop in your community, please reach out to
Power Point Presentation
This presentation offers a look at Right Sharing’s goals, projects, and possibilities for engagement. It is perfect for explaining our mission to Friends and other interested parties. The PowerPoint file can be found here. A Word document that includes a script of the presentation is here.
Our gracious Creator cares and provides for all creatures. His tender mercies are over all his works; and so far as his love influences our minds, so far we become interested in his workmanship and feel a desire to take hold of every opportunity to lessen the distress of the afflicted and increase interest from which our own is inseparable — that to turn all the treasures we possess into the channel of universal love becomes the business of our lives.